- Come up with a name / codename.
- Must have communities.
- Must have threaded comments.
- Must be federated: liking and following communities across instances.
- Be live-updating: have a right pane for new comments, and a main pain for the full threaded view.
- Use websockets for post / gets to your own instance.
- How does voting work? Should we go back to the old way of showing up and downvote counts? Or just a score?
- Decide on tech to be used
- Backend: Actix, Diesel.
- Frontend: inferno, typescript and bootstrap for now.
- Should it allow bots?
- Should the comments / votes be static, or feel like a chat, like flowchat?.
- Two pane model - Right pane is live comments, left pane is live tree view.
- On mobile, allow you to switch between them. Default?